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Creating PEACE Together with Alyce Sorokie

  • Northshore Healing Center 6185 N. Canfield Ave Chicago, Il 60631 United States (map)

Creating Peace Together 

with Alyce Sorokie

February 15th 6-8PM 

COST: FREE, Donations accepted


About the Event:
Let there be peace… And let it begin with me

We may not feel we have the ability to make a change in our crazy, chaotic world, but with the faith of a mustard seed, intention, prayer, and the process of TRE (Tension / Trauma Release Exercise) we can begin to move to calm and a more effective place of power. We don’t have to be reactive, but proactive, taking more control over our health, our actions and how we process what’s occurring in our world. With prayer, intention and TRE may we allow peace to radiate from within us and throughout the world.

TRE® (Tension, Stress & Trauma Release Exercise) is an innovative series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. Created by Dr. David Berceli, PhD, TRE® safely activates a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system, releasing deep chronic tension from the sacrum to the cranium, often without recalling the “stories” or the past “issues in the tissues.” When this muscular shaking / vibrating mechanism is activated in a safe and controlled environment, the body is encouraged to return to a state of balance, calm and peace.

TRE can release emotions ranging from mild upset to severe anxiety, whether it is caused by work stress, excessive worry, conflict in relationships, physical stresses or traumas from accidents or feeling anxiety and powerless over world events. Additionally, TRE has been reported to reduce pain, increase mobility and aid healing of past injuries. When tension is released anywhere in the body, the brain registers a reduction in pain signals and produces new hormones for relaxation and comfort. Often, this release of tension is much like receiving an internal massage.

Cost: Free (Love Donation Accepted)

Please call Northshore for questions, more information and to set up group sessions.   

*Private sessions are also available.

  -  Let there be peace and let it begin within me. As Gandhi said, “Be The Change You Want To See”.


About Alyce:

Alyce Sorokie is the director of Partners In Wellness, a natural health center she founded in 1990. Known as a pioneer in the Chicago wellness community, Alyce has been a certified TRE provider since 2013.  In addition, she is a Digestive Consultant, Colon Therapist, author of Gut Wisdom: Understanding and Improving your Digestive Health (Career Press, 2004), and creator of the Belly Buddy TM, a gut stress reducing, healing pillow.

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