Letting Go | A guided sound bath meditation
Friday, February 23rd 7-830pm
Investment: $40.00
Join us for a life-changing journey of self-discovery and personal growth during this immersive experience, designed to empower you with the tools and insights necessary to release the burdens of the past, heal emotional wounds, and embark on a path of profound self-transformation. Held in a serene and supportive environment, this sound bath will provide participants to explore the power of forgiveness, both for themselves and others. A soothing guided meditation will assist you in gaining a deep understanding of the transformative nature of forgiveness, allowing you to break free from the chains of resentment, anger, and hurt.
Take a journey of self-compassion and personal liberation, enabling you to reclaim your inner peace and foster healthier, more fulfilling relationships, with others as well as yourself. Whether you're seeking to mend relationships, find closure, or simply lighten your heart, this program will guide you toward an essential gateway…to be present and aware of your inner workings.
Experience a Delamora guided meditation and ensuing sound bath at the NSHC. Participants will gain access to a convenient path for a complete recharge, relaxation and the raising of consciousness toward activating innate healing energy. For millennia different cultures have used the sound of gongs, drums and flutes to remind people to reconnect with their essence, their consciousness. Bathe in a skillfully layered, multi-dimensional tapestry of ambient sounds and boost your vibrational frequency as Gaby and Marian will present you with a uniquely powerful opportunity to re-boot your body-mind-spirit connection. Please note that the day of, at the door attendance fee is $45.00
Learn more about your hosts:
Register Here:
https://www.nshealing.com/appointments-2-3 THEN VIEW SCHEDULE
Online price: $40
At the Door: $45